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To strengthen your team's knowledge and skills in the field of personal data protection

Privacy Logic Group offers training in several key areas:

Privacy Logic Group offers training tailored to your organization, industry, or profession. Our training methodology is based on a contextual understanding of the theoretical aspects combined with detailed discussions of practical cases. The trainings are conducted by highly qualified data protection experts with extensive practical and international experience.

To learn more, we invite you to schedule a free 15-minute call. Our team will be happy to provide you with more information and assist you in finding the right training solution for your organization.

Compliance with personal data protection legislation cannot be achieved without the active involvement of high-level management. The training will help high-level managers understand the importance of the issue and their crucial role in establishing data protection policies or best practices, as well as the risks associated with mishandling data.


ტრენინგი მმართველი რგოლისათვის
ტრენინგი მონაცემთა დაცვის ოფიცრებისათვის

The training intended for data protection officers offers a comprehensive understanding of the role and functions assigned by Georgian and European legislation. Through practical exercises, trainees will learn how to conduct a data protection impact assessment (DPIA), develop a data protection policy, and represent the organization in interactions with data subjects or supervisory authorities.


Privacy Logic Group, in addition to general training, offers training tailored for specific professional groups such as HR specialists, financial managers, lawyers, etc. We also provide specific field-focused training for the banking, medical, pharmaceutical, educational sectors, etc.


სპეციალიზებული ტრენინგები

To achieve compliance with data protection legislation, it is crucial to ensure a correct understanding of the principles and basis of data processing by the employees in light of their specific job responsibilities. Also, to interact with data subjects and protect their rights in a way that minimizes the likelihood of appeals or reputational damage.


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